Become an IRB Member
The Institutional Review Board Office accepts nominations and applications for faculty, staff, and community member service on our Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).
There are five biomedical IRBs (Panels A, B, C, D, Q) and one social and behavioral sciences IRB (Panel E). Members are appointed for three-year terms and all panels (except Q) meet once per month throughout the year. The IRB Office provides initial training and ongoing education to all members. Some IRB educational initiatives qualify for Continuing Medical Education credit and other professional credits.
The Northwestern University IRBs are, by law and mission, diverse with respect to scientific and nonscientific interests, sex, race, ethnicity, and affiliation with Northwestern University. Members bring varying opinions from their respective backgrounds to decide how best to safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects in research. Decisions are made through majority rule votes by a quorum of members.
Send nominations or requests along with a brief letter of introduction, a curriculum vitae or resume, and a completed application to the Office of the IRB mailbox: