Off-Campus Access (web VPN)
To access eIRB+ off-campus you will need to use Northwestern’s web VPN.
- To comply with University security policies, the service also requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Step One
If you are not set up for Northwestern MFA, you will need to do this first. MFA options include Duo (mobile app), Passcode, Hardware Token, and Phone Call. More information on these options can be found on this IT Knowledge Base webpage: Multi-factor Authentication at Northwestern.
- To utilize Duo, please follow the instructions on this IT Knowledge Base webpage: Registering and managing your devices for Duo.
- To utilize the passcode, hardware toke, or phone call methods email the OR help desk and ask for assistance setting up your Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
Step Two
To request access to the web VPN, please fill out our eIRB+ Support Form.