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Reportable New Information (RNI)

What to do when something doesn't go as planned.

During the course of a research study, unintentional mistakes in following the IRB-approved protocol or unexpected issues may occur.  The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the accurate documentation, timely reporting, investigation, and follow-up of these events. 

This page is intended to help the PI ensure that the reporting and review of these events occur in a timely, meaningful way so that research participants can be protected from avoidable harms.  Below, find information on whether an event meets the IRB reporting criteria, reporting timelines, examples of what must be reported to the IRB, what to do when an event does not meet the reporting criteria, corrective and preventive action plans, and IRB Determinations and Definitions.

Does the event meet the IRB reporting criteria?

The Principal Investigator must determine whether or not a problem is caused by or related to the study.  The regulations at 45 CFR 46.108 (a)(4)(i) and 21 CFR 56.108 (b)(1) allow the PI to make the initial reporting determination.

The PI is also responsible for meeting all reporting obligations (i.e., notifying the study sponsor, lead site, etc.).

You may utilize the Incident Assessment Tool to determine whether to submit a Reportable New Information item to the Northwestern University IRB.  This is an optional tool. 

Reliance Considerations

If relying on an External IRB: Per HRP-092 – SOP External IRBs, the PI must submit an RNI to the External IRB following the External IRB’s reporting criteria. The PI must also submit information reported to the External IRB to the Northwestern IRB in parallel with an RNI submission in Northwestern’s eIRB+ system. The RNI submission must be updated when the External IRB provides its final evaluation of the report. The External IRB’s determination letter must also be submitted to NU IRB via the RNI application before the incident is acknowledged.

If the Northwestern University IRB is the IRB of record for one or more external sites: Per HRP-093 Northwestern University serving as the IRB Of Record, the PI must submit an RNI in Northwestern’s eIRB+ system for any event that meets the Northwestern University IRB Reporting criteria. This includes events, UPIRSOs, and other relevant RNIs that occur at affiliate sites and any site relying on the Northwestern IRB. It is the PI’s responsibility to consult with the relying site(s) PI(s) to ensure the report is detailed and accurate and that the corrective and preventive action plan is appropriate and actionable within the local context at the external site(s).

Key Things to Consider