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AAHRPP Accreditation

The Northwestern IRB received initial accreditation on December 19, 2016. Full re-accreditation was received on December 15, 2019.

What is AAHRPP?

The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. is a independent, non-profit accrediting body, that uses a voluntary, peer-driven, educational model to ensure that the human research protection program (HRPP) meet rigorous standards for quality and protection. AAHRPP accreditation is the "gold standard” of quality for IRBs’ in the U.S.

AAHRPP's Mission

AAHRPP accredits high-quality human research protection programs in order to promote excellent, ethically sound research. Through partnerships with research organizations, researchers, sponsors, and the public, AAHRPP encourages effective, efficient, and innovative systems of protection for human research participants.

Who is accredited?

  • Research organizations, hospitals, independent ECs/IRBs, research institutes, sponsors, universities and government agencies (e.g., NIH, NCI, VA, State Departments of Health)

What are the benefits of accreditation?

  • Requires organizations to take a comprehensive look at their HRPP;
  • Identifies and addresses any weaknesses, and build upon strengths. Results in a more cohesive HRPP, with the systems in place, not only to protect research participants, but advance research more efficiently and effectively;
  • Sponsors and other funding agencies recognize accredited organizations have more efficient operations, provide more comprehensive protections, and produce high-quality data;
  • Increasingly, accreditation is expected to be a condition of research support.
  • For more information see AAHRPP's brochure on "How Are You Protected?".
