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Updated/New Social Behavioral Protocol Templates

Dear Research Community,

The social behavioral protocol template for new studies (HRP-583) has been revised and the revised version is now posted on the IRB website. This revised version of the protocol for new social behavioral studies does NOT need to be used for studies that have already been reviewed by the IRB and for studies currently in the IRB review process. If you are working on IRB submission materials and have not yet submitted your study, but already completed the protocol template, you do not need to redo your protocol document. Starting November 15, any new studies submitted using HRP-583 must use the revised version – you can of course use the revised version of the protocol template for new studies submitted to the IRB before that date as well.

As part of the revisions to the protocol template, we have created two appendices that should be filled out and uploaded if they are applicable to a study – Appendix A (HRP-1723) is to be completed if the study will enroll children as research participants and Appendix B (HRP-1724) is to be completed if the study will access HIPAA Protected Health Information (PHI) for research purposes (whether for recruitment and screening purposes or for data analysis. Starting November 15, any new studies involving children and/or PHI must complete and upload the corresponding appendix.

If you have any questions about these changes to these forms, please contact the social behavioral IRB office.

Thank you,

Northwestern University IRB