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How do I submit a modification?

Log in to eIRB+ using your Northwestern NetID and password. Next, navigate to the study you wish to modify. Next, click "Create Modification/CR" on the left-hand side of the study workspace and select “Modification.” (Note that you may also submit a combined Modification and Continuing Review. See “How do I submit a continuing review?” for additional information.) Next, select the Modification Scope and click “Continue.” (Note that you may only have one Modification submission per Modification Scope type open at any given time, so if you have changes in addition to or other than updating study personnel, you should select “Other.”) Complete all Modification information and then make corresponding changes to the IRB Application and study documents. For changes to documents previously uploaded in eIRB+, use the electronic copies maintained by the system as “draft” to ensure that you are revising the most recent versions. You will accept all tracked changes from previous modifications and upload your revised documents with tracked changes related to the current modification. If you do not upload tracked changes, the IRB Office may return the Modification to you before starting pre-review. Please note that changes submitted within a modification may not be implemented until IRB approval is received.

If a modification remains in the “Clarifications requested” state for more than 30 business days, the IRB Office may administratively discard the submission. This means that your modification draft is no longer active in eIRB+, and you will need to submit a new modification.